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About this website


This website was initially created as a place i could store things I’d written, both from when I was a journalist and since.

Since then I’ve written some musicals and musical revues, had a short story published and a few other ommercial projects under way, so it seemed a logical idea to include details for potential hirers.

On top of that, I have a very creative family, and so I’ve included space for them should they wish to share it.

The end result is a bit of a hodge podge. Do I need a website? Who knows. But I like it. I hope you do too.

Chris Gordon


About Chris Gordon

  • Worked as a journalist at the Goulburn Post from 1990-1995.
  • Worked as a freelance journalist for Soap World Magazine from 1997-2000.
  • Worked as a digital editor for Fairfax Media from 2010-2016.
  • Completed a Bachelor of Arts (majors in Politics, Writing and Media) in 2016 – including Scriptwriting for Theatre.
  • Wrote the book for the musical revue Villains and Vixens in 2017, based around a title by Kerrie Jiear and Sarah Trama, and song input from Kerrie Jiear, Sarah Trama, Kichael Jiear and Chris Gordon. Villains and Vixens was performed at the Old Marian College Chapel in 2017.
  • Wrote the musical Getting There featuring the songs of Pat Drummond, Geoff Drummond and one by Chris Gordon. Getting There was performed at the Goulburn High School Hall in 2018.
  • Wrote the book for the musical revue About Time, a time travelling musical journey including songs from across the preceding 100 years, selected jointly by Sarah Trama and Chris Gordon. About Time was preparing to open on Friday 20 March 2024, but was postponed due to COVID two days before it’s opening night and subsequently cancelled.
  • Wrote the musical pantomime Jingle $ells using a number of traditional Christmas songs and six songs written by Chris Gordon. The show was just about to commence rehearsals when it was postponed by the COVID pandemic, and subsequently cancelled.
  • Wrote the short story “If you squint…” that was published in the Art My Story 2023 collection of stories.
  • A full member of the Australian Writer’s Guild.


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